There’s some grrr-face in here.

I want to know what it’s like to not have to be a fucking ‘niche’ magazine. To not have to say I cater to a fucking ‘minority’, to not have to say I write a ‘special interest’ publication. I want to know what it’s like to live in a world where I don’t have to petition for second parent adoption just to legally have rights to my own child! I want to know what it’s like to live in a world where I don’t have to be afraid of travelling to see my own mother with you by my side for fear of what might happen in the South! I want to know what it’s like to live in a world where young people come together and don’t see their differences, only that they are all the same in the end.


I want to know what it’s like to be respected in print not because I am giving a voice to the voiceless, but because I had the courage to stand up and invent that outlet when it was too edgy, too raw and too ‘gay’ for someone else to. I want to know what it’s like to live in a world where I don’t have to worry about what my next right that’s going to get taken away by my own government is. Where I don’t have to worry about my own rights as a woman, as a trans* guy, where I can find resources for people that have been assaulted, abused, shunned, beaten down, without having to beg and plead, or have them think I ‘asked for it’ becauise I identify as homosexual. I want to live in a world where I am not seen as forward-thinking, but just valued for my intelligence and my drive. I don’t want to have to be a poster child for change when the truth is change should have already been occuring. I want to fight, fight, fight and never stop fighting because the time has passed to be complacent. I will never, not til my last breath–stop believing in what we’re doing. I will claw my way with my bare hands to the top of that mountain and yell out, “I made it, and so can you.” because everyone, EVERYONE has to know there is hope. If I can do this, so can anyone else that has even a whisper of a dream. You just have to believe, and that’s what I do. I believe that EVERYONE has the power to change something, to get radical, and to get loud. I will never be unhappy.

About Kiran

Kir is a 27 year old genderqueer activist and fledgling zine publisher and writer. During the day, they moonlight as a college student majoring in sociology and public policy. Kiran also volunteers at a local GLBT youth center..

Posted on March 5, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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